Development & implement business development plan? Develop & adjust sales/distribution/inventory structure to meet customer requirements
1. 5s in 19962. Autocare (Quick-Lub)
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4. Fordstar (long distance training) on satellite in 1997.?Conduct market research/survey through outsourcing firms to penetrate Taiwan automotive market? In charge of pricing/price structure for over 28,000 items of parts with inventory value around USD 40 million
? Managing parts distribution structure to enhance parts supply efficiency/availability rate? Integrate & allocate resources for launching/financing/leasing/rental/insurance program? Conduct overall external agencies including advertising agencies, research firm, customer focus group, give-away vendors as well as media/press communication? Build up customer loyalty through user club/periodical events/JV promotion programSr. Field Manager 1992-1995? Dealer Channel Management? Manage sales & retail operation – 30-50 managements/500-600 sales representatives? Responsible for sales target allocation & achievement – around 25,000 units per annum? Develop & implement sales/promotion plan? Allocate & coordinate production plan & shipping schedule? Handling inventory controlParts Marketing Manager 1990-1992
? Develop marketing strategy/promotion plan to meet sales target over USD 100 million per annum? In charge of pricing/price structure for over 25,000 items of parts with inventory value around USD 35 million? Set up parts wholesales channels for customers through setting up 5 parts wholesalers, 7 glass distributors to increase parts revenue by 25% within a year? Improve parts inventory turn-over rate from
cheap Wholesale nike shoes 2.2 to 3.5 through setting up parts wholesale franchise? Improve parts damage rate & reduce storage cost through setting up glass distribution franchise? Product development – synthetic motor oil / packaging / dispatching system? Conduct aging, surplus & obsolete parts handling process? Work together with advertising agency to develop/implement promotion/advertising program to promote genuine parts? Conduct market research/survey hrough outsourcing firms & outside parts shops to penetrate automobile parts market in TaiwanService Marketing Coordinator 1989-1990? dvertising & promotion activities planning and scheduling? Implement CQC program (Total integration parts & service program for customer satisfaction)? Corporate Identity (Image 90) - dealer facility appearance? Bring parts & service system (PANDA) back from Ford Australia (FOA) to build up and link
Buy cheap nike shoesvenor/inner-operation/dealers together to streamline all parts/service data access. Bar-code system was adopted for all endors/dealers/inner-operations at same time.